America's Best History Spotlight

On this page we're going to Spotlight the lesser known historic sites and attractions that dot the history landscape across the USA and are worth a visit if you're in their area. And while they may be lesser known, some are very unique, and will be that rare find. You'll be, at times, on the ground floor, or maybe even know something others don't. It'll be fun. Visit them.

Remnants of the Midlothian Mine

Midlothian Mine and Town, Virginia

Okay, first off, let's get the spelling right. In past days, it would have always been spelled Mid-Lothian; today both Midlothian and Mid-Lothian are tolerated. The county, Chesterfield, was founded in 1611, only four years after Jamestown, but not in Mid-lothian. It was founded at the Henricus settlement, where Pocahontas lived for a year and one half. Mid-Lothian was founded in 1836 as the Village of Midlothian by the founders of the coal mine, the Wooldridge family. The Mid-Lothian Coal Mining Company was the first true commercial coal mine in North America and shipped their ore for use in the colonies and England. Coal had been found back in the 1730's in the same area, with French Huguenots providing coal to heat the White House for Thomas Jefferson.

Today you can visit the remnants of the Mid-Lothian Coal Mining Company in Mid-Lothian Mines Park, and in the public square of the small village, the Chesterfield County Museum in the replica 1749 courthouse, an 1892 era jail, the current 1917 Courthouse, as well as the grounds of Confederate enlistment and a statue to their service.

Photo above: Image of the Midlothian Mines, Unknown author or date. Courtesy

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Info, What's There Now, History Nearby

Midlothian Mines

Midlothian Mines and Town, Virginia

The enticement of mining coal caused growth in this region of Virginia in the mid-18th century, with miners coming from Wales, England, and Scotland. During the American Revolution, the initial mines would provide shot and shell and cannons to the Continental Army at Westham. Of course, the British did not approve and sent, in 1781, British General Phillips to Midlothian to set ablaze the County Courthouse and destroy the coal pits. The Wooldridge famly was one of those who eventually opened a mine, but not until 1835/6 when Virginia was a state of the United States.

Image above: Remnants of the Midlothian Mines Grove shaft, 2024. Courtesy America's Best History. Below: Stocks outside the old Chesterfield Jail in the Midlothian Town Courtyard, 2024. Courtesy America's Best History.

Midlothian Mines

Where Is It

Mid-lothian Mines Park is located at 13,301 North Woodbridge Road, Midlothian, Virginia 23114. The square is located at 6813 Mimms Loop, Chesterfield, VA 23832 and is open Tuesday to Saturday (10-4). Saturday's hours are (10-2). This includes the Chesterfield County Museum and 1892 Jail. The Chesterfield County Historical Society, open Monday thru Friday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. is located in the 1879 Trinity Church on 10111 Iron Bridge Road, within walking distance of the square.

Minute Walk in History

For many, the name Midlothian won't ring a big bell. But the history in this small town to the west of Petersburg, Virginia is full of interesting history, for one, the Midlothian Mines. The Midlothian Mines were the first commercially operating coal mine in the United States. Yes, you might get some pushback on that from another Chesterfield mine, that of Colonel Harry Heth, but take your pick. Guess it depends on your definition of commercial. Take a tour around the area of the mine, now a park, as well as the town city square, where the old jail, Chesterfield County Museum, Civil War statue and enlistment ground for the war tell the varied story. Music by David Fesliyan. Coal Mine music via the Library of Congress.

What is There Now

Midlothan Mines and Town, Virginia

The Midlothian Mine is part of the Mid-Lothian Mines Park. There are waysides, the remnants of the Mine, as well as walking trails and a lake. It is located on both sides of the road you come in on. There is a passageway beneath the road to access both sides.

At the courtyard of the town of Midlothian, you can visit the 1892 Jail and the Chesterfield County Museum. On the grounds is the site of Confederate soldier enlistment as well as a Civil War statue. The current county Courthouse, a historic building on its own, is open rarely for visitors, but there are tours throughout the year.

When Open and How Much

There is no charge to visit the Mid-lothian Mines Park. It is open dawn to dusk. Donations are requested for a tour of the jail, currently $1, and $2 to visit the Chesterfield County Museum right next door.

Fees and hours are subject to change.

Midlothian Mines Organization
Chesterfield County Historical Society

History Nearby

The entire area around Petersburg and Richmond is full of, not only an amazing collection of Civil War era sites, but African American history, and Colonial history as well. Check out some of those below.

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